Includes Dog fighting, Cruelty and Neglect Laws and Penalties. Includes abandonment, torture, mutilation and all the other bad stuff.  

AGM-Article 26: 365 clipping or ear cutting

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

AGM-Article 26: 361 interference with or injury to certain domestic animals

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

AGM-Article 26: 351 prohibition of animal fighting

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


Chapter 30>Article 18 Animals >30-18-9 Dog fighting and cockfighting; penalty.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title

Chapter 30>Article 18 Animals >30-18-15 Intracardiac injection prohibited on conscious animal.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 3 Municipalities > Article 18 Powers of Municipalities > 3-18-3. Animals. (1971)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 30>Article 18 Animals >30-18-1 Cruelty to animals; extreme cruelty to animals; penalties; exceptions.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title