Includes Dog fighting, Cruelty and Neglect Laws and Penalties. Includes abandonment, torture, mutilation and all the other bad stuff.  

7-23-4104. Cruelty to animals.


Section: 273.0345 Canine Cruelty Prevention Act–citation of law–purpose–required care–definitions–veterinary records–space requirements–severability clause.


Section: 273.0346 Director to develop rules for health and veterinary care for animals in custody and facilities of licensees–records to be kept–pounds, major construction not to be required.


Section 578.025.2 Until December 31, 2016–Dogs, fighting, training to fight or injuring for amusement or gain, penalty–spectator, penalty.


Section 578.027.1 Beginning January 1, 2017–Causing a dog to pursue a live animal propelled by a device–penalty.


Section 578.027.2 Until December 31, 2016–Dogs pursuing live animal propelled by device, causing, penalty.