Includes Dog fighting, Cruelty and Neglect Laws and Penalties. Includes abandonment, torture, mutilation and all the other bad stuff.  


TitleXX/Chapter140/Section174E – Section 174EChaining or tethering dog to stationary object; confinement; restrictions; penalty


PartIV/TitleI/Chapter272/Section801~ 2 – Devocalization of dogs or cats; definitions; penalty; exceptions; records


PartIV/TitleI/Chapter272/Section80A – Cropping or cutting off ear of dog; wound as prima facie evidence


PartIV/TitleI/Chapter272/Section80C – Taking cat, dog or bird to exhibit it, subject it to experimentation or mutilation, or to sell it for such purposes; application of law


TitleXIX/Chapter129/Section9 – Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; Animal Rescue League of Boston; agents; powers and duties


TitleXIX/Chapter131/Section70 – Hunting with rifle, revolver or pistol, or by the aid of a dog; primitive firearms