Includes Dog fighting, Cruelty and Neglect Laws and Penalties. Includes abandonment, torture, mutilation and all the other bad stuff.  

HRS_0711-1109_0003 ii) Owns, trains, transports, possesses, sells, transfers, or equips any dog with the intent that the dog shall be engaged … (3) As used in this section, ‘dogfight’ means a dog or dogs pitted against another dog or dogs with the

HRS_0711-1109 (g) Tethers, fastens, ties, or restrains a dog to a doghouse, tree, fence, or any other …such restraints when walking a dog with a hand-held leash or while a dog is engaged in a supervised activity;

HRS_0711-1106 support a finding that defendant either insulted, taunted, or challenged dog owner, or that defendant did so in a


HRS_0711- 4 Causing injury or death to a service dog or law … service dog or law enforcement animal

4-8-3. Abandonment of dogs