Can be dogs at large, unvaccinated dogs, rabies

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13.1 Regulation of Vicious Dogs SECTION 4-13.1-11. 4-13.1-11 Determination of a vicious dog. – (a) In the event that the dog officer or law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a dog is vicious, the chief dog officer or his or her im

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13.1 Regulation of Vicious Dogs SECTION 4-13.1-2. 4-13.1-2 Definitions. – As used in 4-13.1-1 – 4-13.1-14, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13.1 Regulation of Vicious Dogs SECTION 4-13.1-3. 4-13.1-3 Requirements for registration. – (a) No dog that has been declared vicious shall be licensed by any city or town for any licensing period commencing after April 1986, unless the owner or keep

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13.1 Regulation of Vicious Dogs SECTION 4-13.1-9. 4-13.1-9 Penalties for violation – Licensing ordinances and fees. – (a) Any dog declared vicious under 4-13.1-11:1) Whose owner or keeper does not secure the liability insurance coverage required in accordance wit

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-19 Animal Care SECTION 4-19-16. 4-19-16 Mandatory spaying and neutering of dogs and cats adopted from a licensed releasing agency. – (a)1) No licensed releasing agency shall release, sell, trade, give away, exchange, adopt out, or otherwise transfer with or