Licenses/Fees/Fines. Covers any license costs, penalties, fees or fines you might encounter through any government agency with your dog.

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-2. 4-13-2 Tax imposed by cities and towns – Enactment of local laws to prevent damage to livestock. – The city or town council of any city or town may impose a yearly tax upon every person in their city or town for every dog own


TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-3. 4-13-3 Prior ordinances preserved. – Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as to repeal any ordinance concerning dogs, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, which has been passed by any town or city counc

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-4. 4-13-4 Dog licenses – Fees – Penalties. – (a)1) Every owner or keeper of a dog shall annually in April obtain a license effective May 1 in the office of the city or town clerk of the city or town in which the owner or keeper resi


TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-1.1. 4-13-1.1 Towns of Portsmouth, West Warwick, and Middletown and city of Woonsocket – Vicious dog ordinance. – (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section or the general laws to the contrary, the town councils of


TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-1. 4-13-1 Regulatory ordinances – Enforcement and penalties. – (a) City or town councils may make any ordinances concerning dogs in their cities or towns as they deem expedient, to be enforced by the destruction or disposition o


TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-1 Cruelty to Animals SECTION 4-1-10. 4-1-10 Possession or training of fighting animals. – Whoever owns, possesses, keeps or trains any bird, dog, or other animal, with the intent that that bird, dog, or animal engages in an exhibition of fighting, shall be fined


TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-1 Cruelty to Animals SECTION 4-1-9. 4-1-9 Animal fighting. – Any person who causes or encourages the fighting of any bird, dog, or animal with any other bird, dog, or animal, or keeps or maintains any place for the fighting of birds, dogs, or animals, or who kn

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-5. 4-13-5 License information and record. – Every owner or keeper of a dog applying for a license as provided for in 4-13-4 shall furnish the city or town clerk with the following information: name and address of owner or keep

TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-7. 4-13-7 Notice as to time and place of issuing licenses. – The city or town clerks of the several cities and towns shall annually, in the month of March, give notice by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circu


TITLE 4 Animals and Animal Husbandry CHAPTER 4-13 Dogs SECTION 4-13-19. 4-13-19 Order to confine or kill vicious dog – Subsequent damages. – (a) If any person, or any member of his or her family shall be assaulted by any dog, out of the enclosure of its owner or keeper, or if any person shall hav