Pet Sales, Breeders and Consumers, Pet Stores, Internet, Breeder Sales


General Business Law – Article 35-D: 753b information statement for purchaser

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


AGM-Article 26: 379 prohibition of the selling of fur, hair, skin or flesh of a dog or cat

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

AGM-Article 26: 402 records of purchase and sale – pet dealer

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


AGM-Article 26: 403 licenses – pet dealer

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


Chapter 77 Animals and Livestock>10. Livestock Auction Markets, 77-10-1 through 77-10-10.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title

Chapter 30>Article 18 Animals >30-18-7 Misrepresentation of pedigree.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title