Rescues, Shelters, Kennels, Doggie Day Care, Boarding, Pounds, Animal Control


AGM-Article 7: 118 violations

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


AGM-Article 7: 119 disposition of fines

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-11 Disciplinary actions; euthanasia technicians, euthanasia agencies and euthanasia instructors; hearings; penalties. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-12 Termination of agency life; delayed repeal.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


77-1B-3. Animal sheltering board created; members; qualifications; terms; vacancies; removal. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.) [Pet Breeders Included]

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-6 Euthanasia technician; license. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-6.1 Euthanasia technician authority defined. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-7 Euthanasia instructors; certification. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-8 Euthanasia agencies; inspections; exemptions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 77 >Article 1B Animal Sheltering>77-1B-9 Violations. (Repealed effective July 1, 2020.)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title