Sporting, Hunting, Racing Dog, Service Dog Law.  Includes White Cane and Police/Working Dog Law.

TITLE 42 State Affairs and Government CHAPTER 42-17.1 Department of Environmental Management SECTION 42-17.1-4542-17.1-45 No prohibition on pets. – (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the department shall not promulgate or enforce any rule or regulation that would prohibit a pet


TITLE 40 Human services CHAPTER 40-9.1 Equal Rights of Blind and Deaf Persons to Public Facilities SECTION 40-9.1-540-9.1-5 Family therapy pets in public places. – (a) The privileges of access and transportation provided to personal assistance animals in 40-9.1-2 shall be extended to family therapy pets which ar

CHAPTER 40-9.1 Equal Rights of Blind and Deaf Persons to Public Facilities Index Of Sections. 40-9.1-1 Declaration of policy.. 40-9.1-1.1 Definitions.. 40-9.1-2 Personal assistance animals in public places.. 40-9.1-2.1 Trainers of personal assistance animals and dogs in training.. 40-9.1-3 Penalty for inju


TITLE 40 Human services CHAPTER 40-9.1 Equal Rights of Blind and Deaf Persons to Public Facilities SECTION 40-9.1-2.140-9.1-2.1 Trainers of personal assistance animals and dogs in training. – Every trainer or puppy raiser of a personal assistance animal shall have the same rights and privileges as stated in 40-9.1


TITLE 40 Human services CHAPTER 40-9.1 Equal Rights of Blind and Deaf Persons to Public Facilities SECTION 40-9.1-340-9.1-3 Penalty for injuring or interfering with a personal assistance animal – Civil actions – Damages – Cost and attorney’s fees. – (a) It is unlawful for any person, corporation or the agent of an


TITLE 40 Human services CHAPTER 40-9.1 Equal Rights of Blind and Deaf Persons to Public Facilities SECTION 40-9.1-1.140-9.1-1.1 Definitions. – (a) “Guide dog” means a dog that has been or is being specially trained to aid a particular blind or visually impaired person.b) “Hearing dog” means a dog that has been or is b

TITLE 20 Fish and Wildlife CHAPTER 20-16 Fur-bearing Animals SECTION 20-16-4. 20-16-4 Raccoon hunting. – Raccoons may be taken and possessed with the use of a gun, when the taker is accompanied by a dog. No person shall hunt raccoons at night by the use of rifle larger than a twenty-two (22) caliber ri

TITLE 20 Fish and Wildlife CHAPTER 20-15 Deer Hunting SECTION 20-15-1. 20-15-1 Deer hunting prohibited except as provided. – No person shall hunt, pursue, or shoot, or attempt to hunt, pursue, or shoot, deer in this state except as provided in this chapter. Deer hunting shall be limited to seaso