Sporting, Hunting, Racing Dog, Service Dog Law.  Includes White Cane and Police/Working Dog Law.

113-291.5. Regulation of dogs used in hunting; limitations on authority of Wildlife Resources Commission; control of dogs on game lands; control of dogs chasing deer; other restrictions.


Lost and Strayed Animals 115/1894 13 exemptions from dog licensing requirements

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

PBG – Public Housing Article 11 – Miscellaneous

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

PGB – Article 11: 223a Discrimination against persons with certian household pets

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

PGB – Article 11: 223b Discrimination against person with hearing impairment who has hearing dog

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.