Sporting, Hunting, Racing Dog, Service Dog Law.  Includes White Cane and Police/Working Dog Law.

AGM-Article 7: 121 night quarantine

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

AGM-Article 7: 123a exemption from civil liability

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.

147. Dogs accompanying persons with a disability.

Do a search on dogs, and select applicable law number or Artlicle number.


Chapter 77 Article 1 – Dogs and Domesticated Animals >77-1-15.1. Regulation and licensure of dogs; impoundment of animals; qualified service animals exempt. (1989)

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 30>Article 18 Animals >30-18-13 Injury to a police dog, police horse or fire dog; harassment of a police dog, police horse or fire dog.

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title


Chapter 13 Public Purchases and Property > Article 1 Procurement > 13-1-98. Exemptions from the Procurement Code. (2015) [Research Animals]

Special Instructions, From home page, Search on Dogs, or Chapter/Article or title