Sporting, Hunting, Racing Dog, Service Dog Law.  Includes White Cane and Police/Working Dog Law.


HRS_0711- 4 Causing injury or death to a service dog or law … service dog or law enforcement animal


HRS_0347-0019 handicapped person not carrying a cane or using a service dog in any of the places, accommodations or conveyances …person to carry a cane or to use a service dog in any such places, accommodations, or conveyances


HRS_0347-0017 who is blind or visually handicapped and using a guide dog, take such reasonable precautions before proceeding as may


HRS_0347-0013 shall have the right to be accompanied by a service dog, especially trained for the purpose of assisting the …for the service dog; provided that the person shall be liable for any damage done to the premises or …facilities by the service dog. No service dog shall be considered dangerous merely because it is unmuzzled.


HRS_0347-0002_0005 5] Service dog, defined. As used in this chapter, ‘servicedog’ means any dog that is individually … A companion or comfort animal is not a servicedog unless it meets the requirements of this definition and

27-3-18. Hunting foxes with dogs