Sporting, Hunting, Racing Dog, Service Dog Law.  Includes White Cane and Police/Working Dog Law.

413.081 Interference with or injury to a service animal; penalties; restitution.-(1) A person who, with reckless disregard, interferes with, or permits a dog that he or she owns or is in the immediate control of to interfere with, the use of a service animal by obstructing, intimidatin

507.233 Public food service establishment requirements, local exemption for dogs in designated outdoor portions

509.233 Public food service establishment requirements; local exemption for dogs in designated outdoor portions.-(1) LOCAL EXEMPTION AUTHORIZED.-Notwithstanding s. 509.032 (7), the governing body of a local government may establish, by ordinance, a local exemption procedure to certain


550.1648 Greyhound adoptions.-(1) Each dogracing permitholder operating a dogracing facility in this state shall provide for a greyhound adoption booth to be located at the facility. The greyhound adoption booth must be operated on weekends by personnel or volunteers from a bona fide

550.235 Conniving to prearrange result of race or jai alai game; using medication or drugs on horse or dog; penalty.-(1) Any person who influences, or has any understanding or connivance with, any owner, jockey, groom, or other person associated with or interested in any stable, kennel