
HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 1 Sale of Dogs by breeders 122095 Disputes


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 1 Sale of Dogs by breeders 122100 Written notice of rights


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 1 Sale of Dogs by breeders 122105 Breeder and buyer can agree to additional terms, but buyer can’t waive all rights


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 1 Sale of Dogs by breeders 122315 Dog Pedigree Regiseries, dealer/breeder failure to comply with disclosure requrements

HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 2 Retail sale of dogs and cats 122125


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter4 Animal Control 121918 Care of animals


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 3 122300 Dog pedigree registeries, definitions


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 1 Sale of Dogs by breeders 122045


HSC Div 105 Part 6 Veterinary Public Health and Safety CHapter 5 Sale of Dogs and Cats Article 3 122310 Dog pedigree registeries, registration disclosure required