
TitleXX/Chapter140/Section137C – Inspection of kennels; revocation, suspension and reinstatement of license; nuisance


TitleXX/Chapter140/Section138 – Change of owner or keeper of licensed dog; dog brought into commonwealth


TitleXIX/Chapter128A/Section5 – Section 5Pari-mutuel or certificate system of wagering; licensee’s duties


TitleXIX/Chapter128A/Section5C – Account wagering system; betting accounts; licensee’s duties; penalties…running horse, harness horse or dog racing meeting, not including…running horse, harness horse or dog racing meeting and use the account…running horse, harness horse or dog racing meeting in accordance


TitleXIX/Chapter128A/Section6 – Records and books of wagers; access; financial statements; statements of wagers


TitleXIX/Chapter128A/Section9A – Licensing and registering of agents, veterinarians, blacksmiths, owners, trainers, jockeys and stable employees; badges; suspension and revocation; criminal records


TitleXIX/Chapter128A/Section9B – Rules and regulations of the commission; emergency rules and regulations