
951.14_ Providing proper shelter. No person owning or responsible for confining or impounding any animal may fail to provide the animal with proper shelter as prescribed in this section. In the case of farm animals, nothing in this section shall be construed as imposing shelter requirements or standards more stringent than normally accepted husbandry practices in the particular county where the animal or shelter is located.

174.05_ Dog license tax.


174.054_ Exemption for owners of dogs kept for educational or scientific purposes. Sections 95.21 (2) (a), 174.05 (1) and 174.07 (1) (a)do not apply to a person who owns dogs that are kept only for educational or scientific purposes.


174.055_ Exemption of dogs for blind, deaf and mobility-impaired. Every dog specially trained to lead blind or deaf persons or to provide support for mobility-impaired persons is exempt from the dog license tax and every person owning such a dog shall receive annually a free dog license from the local collecting officer upon application.