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HRS_0142- 142-74 Liability of dog owner; penalty … 142-75 Human bitten bydog; duty of dog owners; action against
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Dangerous Dog Laws, Licenses
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards
HRS_0142-0074 142-74 Liability of dog owner; penalty. (a) If any dog, while on private property without …to any person other than the owner of the dog, the owner of the dog shall be liable in … The owner of the dog shall confine or destroy the dog, and if the owner of the dog
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Dangerous Dog Laws, Licenses
HRS_0142-0075 142-75 Human bitten by dog; duty of dog owners; action against owner. (a) The owner …of any dog that has bitten a human being shall have the duty to take such reasonable steps as are … (b) Whenever a dog has bitten a human being on at least two separate occasions for which none of
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Dangerous Dog Laws
HRS_0143- 143-5 Removal and imitation of dog tags … 143-6 Lost dog tags … 143-20 Reporting of dog or cat captured or killed in snare
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0001 ‘Owner’ includes every person owning, harboring, or keeping adog; provided that if the owner is a minor … ‘Unlicensed dog’ means any dog for which the license for the current year has not been paid or to
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0002 be unlawful for any person to own or harbor a dog unless the dog is licensed as provided by this …State exclusively for the purpose of entering them in a dogshow or dog exhibition and not allowed to run
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0003 otherwise provided by ordinance the biennial license fee for eachdog shall be $4. Any person owning or …having the custody or control of any dog shall pay the license fee to the director of finance of the … county in which the dog is owned, kept, or controlled. The license fee
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0004 (4) A description of the dog for which the license is issued; and … (5) The number of the metal tag issued for the dog. …be attached to a collar around the neck of the dog for which the license has been issued. The
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0005 143-5 Removal and imitation of dog tags. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any tag from …any dog not owned by the person or under the person’s control, or to place on any dog any …make or have in possession or to place on a dog any counterfeit or imitation of any license tag provided
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0006 143-6 Lost dog tags. If any license tag is lost or stolen, the person to whom the tag
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Licenses
HRS_0143-0008 requirements are dispensed with, every officer shall seize any unlicensed dog found running at large or found upon any public … If not so redeemed, the dog shall be sold by the officer for the amount of the license and …the officer may neuter or require the neutering of the dog
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Animal Cruelty, Rescues & Boarding
HRS_0143-0009 143-9 Redemption of dog after sale. The owner of any dogwhich has been seized and sold as provided …time within thirty days after the sale, may redeem the dog from the purchaser by … If the dog has been neutered in the manner provided in section 143-8, the owner shall pay to
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Rescues & Boarding
HRS_0143-0010 Every person who takes into the person’s possession any stray dogshall immediately notify the animal control officer and release …the dog to the animal control officer upon demand. If there is attached to the dog a license tag …within twenty-four hours thereafter and without charge, shall release the dog to the person. If no person lawfully entitled
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Rescues & Boarding
HRS_0143-0011 The owner of any licensed dog impounded and not claimed within twenty-four hours as provided in section 143-10, …may redeem the dog at any time before the sale or destruction of the dog by paying to the animal …as provided in section 143-8, for the number of days the dog was impounded.[L 1941, c 268,
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Licenses
HRS_0143-0012 owner if the owner can be found, may kill any dog running at large which is so obviously diseased as … Any owner of any dog so diseased, who recovers the dog from the …suitable medical treatment and care for, or destroy, the diseaseddog, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.[L
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Dangerous Dog Laws
HRS_0143-0014 It shall be unlawful for the owner of any female dog, licensed or unlicensed, to permit it to …run at large while the dog is in the copulating season.[L 1941, c 268, 12;
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Dangerous Dog Laws, Husbandry / Care Standards
HRS_0143-0018 for any officer to knowingly sell or give any impounded dog to any person, firm, corporation, association,
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Animal Welfare, Dangerous Dog Laws
HRS_0143-0020 [143-20] Reporting of dog or cat captured or killed in snare or trap. Any dog or cat captured or
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Animal Cruelty, Husbandry / Care Standards
HRS_0171-0003 within the City’s territorial limits by imposing criminal sanctions ondog owners who negligently fail to control their dangerous dogs,
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Dangerous Dog Laws, Licenses
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Service Dog Law
HRS_0347-0002_0005 5] Service dog, defined. As used in this chapter, ‘servicedog’ means any dog that is individually … A companion or comfort animal is not a servicedog unless it meets the requirements of this definition and
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Service Dog Law
HRS_0347-0013 shall have the right to be accompanied by a service dog, especially trained for the purpose of assisting the …for the service dog; provided that the person shall be liable for any damage done to the premises or …facilities by the service dog. No service dog shall be considered dangerous merely because it is unmuzzled.
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Service Dog Law
HRS_0347-0017 who is blind or visually handicapped and using a guide dog, take such reasonable precautions before proceeding as may
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Service Dog Law
HRS_0347-0019 handicapped person not carrying a cane or using a service dog in any of the places, accommodations or conveyances …person to carry a cane or to use a service dog in any such places, accommodations, or conveyances
Location: Hawaii
Law Categories: Husbandry / Care Standards, Service Dog Law
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